Online Roleplays against Online Hate
In 2018 LOVE-storm developed its online tool to run online roleplays in a safe space, independent from any commercial platforms. Within the ERASMUS+ project the training tool was modernized and is now available in English, Croatian, German, Italian and Slovak. Â
- lead your own online roleplays
- safe(r) space for your participants
- realistic roleplays against online hate
- Â selection of tested roleplay scenarios
- 100% data free for participants, due to register free participation.
- scenario editor allows you to create your own scenarios.
- editable before & after questionaires for trainings and roleplay success measurement
- trainers guide and training materials
- Comenius EduMedia Seal & Innovation award of the German Institute for Adult Education

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Learn more
Why use roleplays against online hate?
Many want to act against online hate. But in the heat of the moment, to many don’t act at all. Online Roleplays help participants to develop and test their own strategies in a safe group. They gain direct feedback what is working or which kind of reaction may make it even worse. They are actively involved in the situation and feel for themselves how it feels to be attacked … or how it feels to attack others.
At the end of a training participants should have internalized one or two strategies, so they can use them to combat online hate in real.
a safe(r) space
Security is more than just data protection.
In role plays, participants confront themselves with real feelings. In order to really get involved, training courses need the safest possible framework and genuine voluntariness.
Participants must feel safe that they do not get into unpleasant situations unprepared and that they can leave them protected at any time.
The design of the training room supports the instructors in creating such a safe framework. Safety features such as anonymity through role names and avatars, introductions, before-and-after emotional state questionnaires, and automated trigger warnings make it easier for instructors to create safer group situations.
Online & class room trainings
Scenario Editor
LOVE-Storm provides a number of tried and tested role-playing scenarios. All scenarios can be easily edited and adapted to the specific situation of the learning group. This means trainers can tailor role-playing games individually in a very short time. Or they can develop their own role play.
All your own scenarios and the changed versions are saved locally and can be used in the future.
All scenarios can also be shared and even printed and used without the Online Training Room.
Free Trial
The quickest way to get to know role-playing is to try out a role-playing game yourself with a group of friends. You can get started straight away with the free demo subscription. You have all the options of a large subscription, especially using the scenario editor to create individual role-playing games and then play them through with up to five participants in a small group.
Run online Roleplays in greater groups
Once you successfully run a demo roleplay, experienced trainer may run larger roleplays with a paid plan. (exceptions apply)
The best way to instruct role-playing games yourself is to take part in one of our training courses for multipliers. In the one-day basic training, the LOVE-Storm concept and the handling of the training room are introduced. To do this, you will also take part in a role play yourself and will be able to deal with it from the participant’s perspective. After the training, all participants can continue to use the training room free of charge for one year.
LOVE-Storm only offers these training courses for groups of trainers. Please contact us for more details.
EURO annual
EURO monthly
1 trainer
1 roleplay group
5 participants per group
Use in a class room (offline)
Use your own webinar/
video conferencing software
EURO annual
EURO monthly
1 trainer
5 roleplay groups
30 participants per group
Use in a class room (offline)
Use your own webinar/
video conferencing software
Organization Premium
Contact us
for individual solutions
??? trainer
Unlimited roleplay groups
30participants per group
Use in a class room (offline)
Use your own webinar/
video conferencing software
Run trainings without subscriptions
Use the online training room for a month. Run as many tests and trainings as you wish. Without self-prolonging subscriptions.
LOVE-Storm for volunteers
LOVE-Storm for organisations
We are interested to share the Online Training Tool with other organisations.
Please contact us if you want to run a love-storm website against online hate in your own language. We are also currently looking to raise funds to make the online training tool open source so you can add it directly to your site.
Disclaimer and Creative Commons
The Online Training Room against online hate (2.0) was developed and set up with financial support of the European Commission until August 2023.
The European Commission support for the production of does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
LOVE-Storm – Online Learning Platform against Online Hate ©
2023 by LOVE-Storm is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0